

Player Rank

Lodestar Gems



Reserve Stamina






Bonus Pass




Player Rank

Gain EXP to increase your rank.

Increasing player rank increases max stamina and fully replenishes stamina. It also increases the chance of applying high level traits during synthesis.

Player EXP

Earned by accomplishing certain achievements.

The amount of EXP required depends on player rank.

Lodestar Gems

A currency needed to make wishes, use the shop, etc.

To purchase Lodestar Gems, tap the "+" button located to the right of the current number of Lodestar Gems in your possession.

Lodestar Gems that you have purchased are considered Paid Lodestar Gems.

Those received as a bonus are considered Free Lodestar Gems.

Free Lodestar Gems are consumed first when using Lodestar Gems.

Only Paid Lodestar Gems can be used for certain wishes and products in the shop.

Minors must have the consent of a parent or guardian to make purchases.


Consumed during synthesis.

Mana recovers over time up to a maximum of ten.

How to Recover Mana

  • Time Passing
    Every one hour, one mana is recovered.
    However, this recovery method cannot exceed the maximum.

  • Use Lodestar Gems
    You can use ten Lodestar Gems to restore one mana.
    There is no limit to how many times mana can be recovered with Lodestar Gems, but you cannot recover mana beyond the inventory maximum of 999.

  • Other
    You can also obtain mana by accomplishing missions and exchanging at the shop.


Consumed whenever you clear or attempt to clear any type of quest.

Max stamina goes up as player rank increases.

How to Recover Stamina

  • Time Passing
    One stamina is recovered every five minutes.
    However, you cannot recover stamina beyond the maximum natural recovery limit.

  • Use Lodestar Gems
    You can use Lodestar Gems to recover stamina.
    One use of Lodestar Gems recovers 80 stamina, and Lodestar Gems can be used up to 16 times per day. The counter resets every day at 11:00 (UTC+8).
    One recovery is free every day, but afterwards it costs a certain amount of Lodestar Gems depending on how many times you've recovered stamina.

1st Time


2nd Time


3rd Time


4th Time


5th Time


6th Time


7th Time


8th Time


9th Time


10th Time


11th Time


12th Time


13th Time


14th Time


15th Time


16th Time


  • Orders
    You can recover stamina from orders at the cafe.

  • Other
    You can also recover stamina by accomplishing missions, raising player rank, and using stamina recovery items.

 Note: You cannot recover more stamina than the inventory limit of 1,500.

Reserve Stamina

A reserve supply of stamina that recovers at a slower rate than normal after your stamina has reached its natural recovery limit.

1 reserve stamina can restore 1 stamina.

The maximum recovery limit for reserve stamina is 3,000. This is the same for all player ranks.

Reserve Stamina Recovery

  • Natural Recovery
    Reserve stamina recovers at a rate of 1 reserve stamina per 15 minutes.

Reserve stamina only recovers when your stamina has reached its natural recovery limit.


An in-game currency used to train characters and Memoria, as well as for research.

You can spend Cole in the Cole Shop to purchase items.

Cole can be obtained through the main story or by clearing various types of quests.


This is where you receive login bonus rewards or gifts from the development team.

Mail will no longer be available 90 days after it arrives.

Also, limited-time items cannot be claimed once the designated period has passed.

Claiming Rewards

Use the Receive button to claim rewards attached to mail.

You can also use the Take All button to claim all rewards at once.

However, you cannot accept items beyond the inventory limits.

Deleting Mail

Delete mail with the Delete button.

You can also delete all read messages with the Delete Read button.


You can get new ideas for recipes by meeting certain conditions.

Getting new ideas for recipes allows you to synthesize the corresponding items. You can also acquire items as rewards for recipes.


Recipe details show more information about synthesized items, what materials are needed, and what the result will be.

There are three categories of recipes: Main Story, Extra, and Event.

  • Main Story
    Clear the corresponding chapter in the main story to come up with these recipes.
    You can earn rewards based on the number of recipes you discover.

  • Extra
    Clear the corresponding chapter in the main story to come up with these recipes. You can get the idea for the first Extra Recipe by clearing Chapter 3-50 in the main story.
    You can earn rewards based on the number of recipes you discover.

  • Event
    Achieve specific conditions in an event to come up with these recipes.


As you play, you can earn emblems by fulfilling certain conditions.

Each emblem has an emblem effect, which grants various effects simply by having earned it.

Emblems also vary in rarity, and the higher the rarity, the greater the effect.

Note: If you have multiple emblems of the same type but different rarity, only the effect from the highest rarity emblem will be applied.

You can access the Emblems section from the Home Screen to see all the emblems you can earn, what effects they have, and what you need to do to earn them.


Achieve the conditions set for each mission to receive rewards.

Different buttons will be displayed for missions based on their status as follows.

  • Receive
    Displayed when a mission is complete but rewards have not been claimed. Tap the button to claim your rewards. You can also use the Take All button at the bottom right of the screen to claim all rewards at once.

  • Attempt
    Displayed when a mission has not been completed. Tap the button to go to the relevant screen to continue.

  • In Progress
    Displayed when a mission is incomplete but you cannot go to the relevant screen to continue.

  • Locked
    Displayed when the mission is not unlocked. Tap the button to see conditions to unlock it.

  • Clear
    Displayed when a mission is complete and rewards have been claimed.

Daily Missions/Weekly Missions

The completion status for Daily Missions is reset every day at 11:00 (UTC+8). Completion status for Weekly Missions is reset every Monday at 11:00 (UTC+8).

You can receive rewards based on the number of completed missions. The number of completed missions resets at the same time that missions are reset.

Rewards will be lost if you don't claim them before the reset.

Event Missions

Missions that are held for specific limited-time events.

You can't claim rewards for missions after their event period has expired.


Missions with no time limitations.

Guide Missions

Missions that are divided into levels of difficulty. There are three levels: Easy, Normal, and Hard.

If you clear all the missions in one level, you get level rewards and unlock the next level.

Bonus Pass

Purchasing this pass activates the following six bonuses for 30 days.

The Bonus Pass can be purchased for 240 Paid Lodestar Gems.

Bonus Details


1 additional free use of stamina recovery


10% bonus to base Cole earned from Quests


10% bonus to base EXP earned from Quests


1 additional Training Quest daily bonus


50% bonus to stamina recovery from Pies


5 Mana sent as a bonus via mail

Note: For more information about the Bonus Pass, go to Home Screen > Bonus Pass > Bonus Pass Purchase Screen and tap the info button.


Exploration is a feature in which you select characters to explore a location. Over time, this feature automatically gathers training materials, synthesis materials, and Cole.

The types of materials you can acquire depend on the location you choose.

Additionally, the characters you send on the exploration affect the lineup bonus you receive.

A higher lineup bonus increases the likelihood of receiving more materials.

Exploration becomes available once you clear a Material Quest Dungeon for the first time.

Note: The maximum reward you can receive from a single exploration is capped at 2,160 hours. No additional rewards will be accumulated beyond this time.


The dungeons that have been cleared in Material Quests will become available as exploration locations.

The types of materials and probability of receiving them from each location are influenced by the following:

  • Completion status of dungeons
  • Completion status of Score Battles
  • Player Rank

Lineup Bonus

The lineup bonus increases based on the awakening stage of the characters you select.

If the selected characters are recommended for the location, the lineup bonus will increase even further.


This is where you can check event and update information, as well as information about any current issues, etc.


Player Info

Here, you can check your Player ID, player rank, and other information.

You can also edit your player name and self-introduction, as well as set your favorite characters, party, and battle items.

Story Recollection

This is where you can replay scenes from cleared portions of the main story.

Set Autoplay to On to watch each chapter through to the last scene in sequence.


Shows a list of all the items you have received.

Items are divided into the following categories: Consumable, Battle, Equipment, Materials, and Training.

Tap an item's icon to see details.


Shows information regarding game features and terminology.


This is where you can customize in-game settings like image quality and volume.

  • Graphics
    Set your graphics settings here. Custom Settings lets you choose individual image quality settings such as screen resolution and frame rate. You can also change all settings at once with four different presets: Power Saver, Balanced, Quality, or Best.

Device Load lets you check the load on your device using the current screen settings.

Please check the device load when increasing quality from the default screen settings.

The game's performance might be affected if the device load constantly shows High.

  • Audio
    Adjust the volume for background music, sound effects, voiced lines, and cutscenes.

  • Notifications
    Decide whether to allow push notifications for different situations.

It is also possible to turn off notifications at night.

  • Game
    Control burst skill animations and determine whether turn order is displayed during AUTO mode.

Link Account

You can link your game account to external accounts here.

Linking your account allows you to transfer your account and continue playing in case you lose your device.

However, when transferring accounts to a different operating system, any Paid Lodestar Gems you had will not be transferred and will remain on the original operating system.

Accounts can be linked using an Apple ID or Google Account.

Only one Player ID can be linked to an individual Apple ID or Google Account.

Delete Data

This allows you to delete player data or delete your account.

  • Delete Player Data
    Deleted data cannot be restored. Link your account before deleting game data if you still want to play with that data.

  • Delete Account
    Choosing to delete your account will schedule it for deletion.
    Deletion will occur one week after the day you schedule your account for deletion at the moment the date changes. For example, if you schedule your account for deletion on Wednesday, May 24th, 2023 at 5:00 p.m., it will be deleted when the date changes to Wednesday, May 31st, 2023.
    After deletion, you will be unable to play using the account or to use any and all data tied to the account, including purchased items. You will not be able to log in to the account from any other devices.
    If you wish to cancel a scheduled deletion, please transfer your account before the time and date scheduled for deletion.


This takes you to the Contact page in a browser.

From the Contact page, you can send questions and messages to the development team.