

Account Transfer

Download All Data

Data Repair

Compress Data

Date Change Timing

Account Transfer

Transfers player data from another device.

Transferring data will delete any player data already on a device and overwrite it with the transferred data.

Also, when transferring to a different operating system, any Paid Lodestar Gems you have will remain on the original operating system and will not be transferred.

Accounts can be transferred using an Apple ID or Google Account.

Download All Data

Downloads all game data at once.

Downloading all data increases the size of the app, but will use less bandwidth during play.

However, depending on your connection it could take time to download a large amount of data all at once.

This can be performed from the title screen menu.

Data Repair

Checks whether any downloaded data is corrupt. If any problems are found, that data will be re-downloaded.

This can be performed from the title screen menu.

Compress Data

Deletes unnecessary data and reduces the total size of the app.

However, data may be re-downloaded during play.

Player data will not be deleted.

This can be performed from the title screen menu.

Date Change Timing

The game refreshes every day at 11:00 (UTC+8).

Daily missions and login bonuses are refreshed at this time.