

Battle System

Status Changes

Other Features

Battle System

Activating Skills

Characters have three types of skills: Skill 1, Skill 2, and a Burst Skill.

After tapping the Skill icon to select the desired skill, tap once more to use the skill.

Target Selection

Selecting a skill will display the Target icon.

Once you've done this, tap an enemy to select your target.

The Timeline

The turn order for allies and enemies is displayed in the timeline, starting with the character on the right.

You can manipulate the turn order by using skills or battle items.
Turn order is determined by a character's speed value and Skill 2 priority at the start of battle.

Look at enemy icons on the timeline to see when enemy turns will come.

It shows what will happen on their turn, unless the enemy is making a single-target attack.

Be careful on turns displayed as "???", because this means the enemy will use a special or powerful skill.

Extra Turn

Some skills activated by characters can generate an extra turn on the timeline.

An extra turn is inserted after a certain number of turns, and the action order of characters after the generated turn is pushed back.

The character that generated the extra turn may act again on that extra turn.

During the extra turn, Skill 2 is replaced with the character's Extra Skill. Skill selection and use of battle items are still possible.

Note: Conditions for using Burst Skills and battle items remain the same as regular turns.

Effect Panels

There are also effect panels on the timeline. These affect characters who acquire the panels at the start of their turn.

Effect panels can create situations that are either advantageous or disadvantageous in battle.

By controlling the order of actions, you can gain effects that will give you the edge in battle.

Note: Effect panels appearing in battle can be viewed from the Battle Info screen.

Note: During battle, you can tap on effect panels to see what effects they will trigger.


When describing the effects of skills or abilities, multiple effect panels with similar effects are sometimes grouped together under a collective term.

For example, "boost-type panels"
refer to both boost panels and boost+ panels.


There are four types of effect panels: burst panels, positive panels, negative panels, and neutral panels.


Burst Panels

These are effect panels that allow you to activate burst skills when you land on them.


Positive Panels

These are effect panels that create an advantage in battle when you land on them.

The following is a list of positive panels found in the game.


Boost Panel

Boosts an ally or enemy's skill damage by 40%.

Boost+ Panel

Boosts an ally or enemy's skill damage by 100%.

A standard boost panel will become a boost+ panel when the panel itself is boosted.

Stun Boost Panel

Boosts an ally or enemy's stun damage by 40%.

Protection Boost Panel

Reduces damage received by the ally's or enemy's entire party by 40% for 1 attack.

Critical Panel

Makes the attack of the ally or enemy a guaranteed critical hit.


Negative Panels

These are effect panels that create a disadvantage in battle when you land on them.

The following is a list of negative panels found in the game.


Weaken Panel

Reduces an ally or enemy's skill damage by 40%.

Weaken+ Panel

Reduces an ally or enemy's skill damage by 60%.

Protection Weaken Panel

Boosts damage received by the ally's or enemy's entire party by 40% for 1 attack.

Blindness Panel

Very high chance to inflict Blindness on the ally or enemy.

Paralysis Panel

Very high chance to inflict Paralysis on the ally or enemy.

Paralysis+ Panel

Very high chance to inflict Paralysis on the ally or enemy, reduces critical rate by 100% for 1 turn and boosts damage received by 30% for 1 attack.

Burn Panel

Very high chance to inflict Burn on the ally or enemy.


Neutral Panels

Effect panels that are not burst panels, positive panels, or negative panels are called neutral panels.

The following is a list of neutral panels found in the game.


HP Recovery Panel

Restores HP by 25% for the ally's or enemy's entire party.



Changing Panels

During battle, skills and abilities can change the timeline panels in various ways.

The following is a list of ways panels can be changed.


Panel Creation

This generates a new effect panel on a timeline spot where there was previously no effect panel.


Panel Conversion

This converts an existing effect panel into a different type of effect panel.


Panel Boost

This boosts the power of an existing effect panel.

For example, a regular boost panel can be upgraded to a more powerful boost+ panel.

Burst Skills

Burst skills are powerful skills that can be used when allies start a turn after acquiring a burst panel.


  • Enemies will also use powerful skills when they acquire burst panels.
  • Try to manipulate the turn order to ensure allies receive burst panels.

Item Gauge

When the Item Gauge is full, you can use as many as three battle items on one ally's turn.

Use battle items to apply powerful effects on enemies and allies.

The Item Gauge is shared by the party and increases whenever an ally takes a turn.

Also, using battle items will reset the Item Gauge regardless of the number of items used.

Note: Battle items take the first spot in the timeline when used, delaying all character actions by one turn.

The character whose turn it was when a battle item is used will acquire the next effect panel.


Enemies have a Stun Gauge. Attacking with skills affects the Stun Gauge and wears it down.

When the Stun Gauge reaches zero, enemies will enter a stunned state where their turns are delayed.

They will also take more damage, so it's easier to perform high damage attacks.

Attack Attributes

Skills have attributes that inflict different amounts of damage and stun damage based on enemy resistances.


You can increase your damage and stun damage by using skills with an attribute that enemies have a low resistance to.


Damage and stun damage will decrease when you use skills with an attribute that enemies have a high resistance to.

There are seven attributes.


When using skills, there is a small chance of performing a critical strike.

Critical strikes increase the amount of damage dealt.

Note: Critical strikes do not affect stun damage.

Odds of Being Targeted

Enemies will focus their attacks on characters with high odds of being targeted.

However, if there are two or more characters in your party with high odds of being targeted, enemies will divide their attacks among them.

Note: Certain enemies ignore odds of being targeted.


You can configure your party to choose which characters will join you in battle and the battle items you want to use.

You can have at most five characters in your party.

Also, the number of battle items you can include with your party depends on your progress and the current battle.

Your party has a power rating.

Total power is a rating of your party's overall strength.

Increase total power by training characters and equipping better equipment.

Status Changes

Some skills and battle items apply a status that makes the target stronger or weaker.

There are three types of statuses: positive/buff effects, negative effects, and status effects.

When a status is applied to allies or enemies, a status icon will be displayed.

To see a list and description of statuses that have been applied, tap and hold an ally or enemy's character icon while in skill selection mode.

Note: Statuses will go away after a certain number of turns pass, or after they activate a certain number of times.
Conditions for status recovery depend on the skill and the status.

When describing the effects of skills or abilities, multiple status changes may be collectively referred to with a single term.
For example, "Received Damage Up Status" may be used to refer to a status that provides the following effects:
Received Damage Up, Physical Resistance Down, Received Critical DMG Up

Positive/Buff Effects

These statuses occur mid-battle and boost character stats or cause beneficial effects to occur.

Positive/buff effects are listed below:


Increase the chance that enemy skills will miss.


Attack back when attacked by an enemy.


Take damage intended for an ally.


Reflect a portion of damage received back at the enemy.


Recover a set amount of HP at the beginning of each turn.


If a character has Initiative at the start of a wave, they will act before any enemies or allies that do not have Initiative.

When multiple targets have Initiative, their turn order is decided by their SPD and the wait time of their Skill 2.

Negative Effects

These statuses occur mid-battle and weaken character stats or cause harmful effects to occur.

Status Effects

The following are specific statuses known as status effects that occur mid-battle and inflict harmful effects on the target.


Makes skills targeting enemies more likely to miss.


Adds a chance of being unable to move at the start of each turn.


Reduces a percentage of HP at the start of each turn.


Reduces a percentage of HP at the start of each turn.

Burn is the only status that won't go away as turns pass.


Character can only attack the enemy who applied the taunt status effect.


Becomes immobilized and takes extra damage.

This status will be removed upon being hit.


Becomes immobilized at the start of the turn.


All attacks received are critical hits.

Debuff Effects

Negative effects and status effects are referred to together as debuff effects.

Status Effects that Level Up

Some status effects can be leveled up.

As the level of a status effect increases, its effectiveness changes based on the level.

Details on these effects can be found on either the Skill Details or Character Details screens.

Other Features


Tap the AUTO button to automatically use skills and battle items.

You can toggle the use of battle items during AUTO mode by tapping the item AUTO button.

However, this cannot be used in certain special battles.

Fast Forward

Tap the Fast Forward button to make battles advance more quickly.

However, this cannot be used in certain special battles.