2024/01/25 14:00 (UTC+8)

Celebrate the Grand Opening of the Official Discord Server! Free Lodestar Gems!

We hope you are enjoying Atelier Resleriana.

We are running a campaign to celebrate the grand opening of the official Discord server for Atelier Resleriana!

Join the official Discord server and link your game account to receive 3,000 Lodestar Gems!


From 2024/01/25 14:00 (UTC+8) onwards


Lodestar Gem ×3,000

How to Enter

  1. Use this invitation link to join our official Discord server.
  2. Head to the #🎮│Link Game Account channel to link your Player ID to your Discord account.
  3. Link your Player ID using the “Link with Player ID” button in the channel.
    Note: To find your Player ID, visit Home > Menu > Player Info. There is an option to copy your Player ID at the bottom left of the screen.

Campaign Reward Distribution Period

You will receive the rewards upon successfully linking your account.

They will be available from the Mail menu on the Home screen.

Note: Mail items (including those with attachments) are automatically deleted after 90 days. Please ensure you accept your gifts within this time period.


  • Campaign content is subject to change without prior notice. Thank you for your understanding.