
Koei Tecmo Games Co., Ltd.(以下簡稱「本公司」)明瞭用戶個人資料的重要性。承諾將以明確、公正、安全的方法,處理用戶的個人資料。本公司透過網站或應用程式的遊戲操作等管道,提供用戶使用「蕾斯萊莉婭娜的鍊金工房 ~忘卻的鍊金術與極夜的解放者~」遊戲之服務(以下簡稱「本服務」)時,本公司可能蒐集、處理及利用用戶的相關特定個人資料,並在蒐集之目的之必要範圍內與第三人共享之。本公司將遵循提供本服務所適用之各國或各地區法律(以下簡稱「法律等規範」)。



請注意,第2項、第3項 和第10項中的「個人資料」包括日本個人資訊保護法規定的「個人資訊」。


1. 適用


2. 蒐集個人資料

3. 蒐集之目的

4. 個人資料共享

5. 資訊保護的保障

6. 個人資料的保管期間

7. 轉傳資訊至第三國


8. 用戶對個人資料享有的法定權利

9. 兒童保護方針


10. 投訴申訴


11. 聯絡窗口


附件:EEA (European Economic Area) and UK

Effective date: [2024/1/25]

Last updated: [2024/1/23]

This Exhibit (a) applies to the processing of your personal data by Koei Tecmo if you are located or residing in the EEA (European Economic Area) or the UK and refers to the GDPR and the UK GDPR (collectively, the “GDPR”).
This Exhibit includes information about your data protection rights, including a right to object to some of the processing which we carry out. More information about your rights, and how to exercise them, is set out in “3. Your rights” below.

1. Legal basis for processing

We process your personal data pursuant to the following legal basis for the purposes stated in 3.1 and 3.2 of this Privacy Policy.

| When processing is necessary for the performance of a contract (GDPR Article 6, Paragraph 1, Item (b))

| When processing is necessary for pursuit of legitimate interests (GDPR Article 6, Paragraph 1, Item (f))*

*For details of the balancing test for legitimate interests (GDPR Article 6, Paragraph 1, Item (f)), please contact us using the contact details stated in “4. Contact details of representatives and data protection officers” below.

| When processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation (GDPR Art. 6(1)(c))

| When we obtain consent to the processing from customers in advance (GDPR Article 6, Paragraph 1, Item (a))

2. Overseas transfer of personal data

If we transfer personal data to areas other than the EEA (European Economic Area) or the UK, we (i) will be based on an adequacy decision (GDPR Article 45) in the countries where the adequacy decision is adopted or (ii) will take appropriate protection measures by executing the standard data protection clauses approved by the European Commission (GDPR Article 46, Paragraph 2, Item (c) and Paragraph 5) or the standard data protection clauses approved by ICO (UK GDPR Article 46, Paragraph 2, Item (d)) with the party receiving personal data in the countries where an adequacy decision is not adopted.

Please click here with respect to the details of the adequacy decision to Japan.

Please contact us using the contact information stated in 11 of the Privacy Policy if you wish to receive a copy of the documents relating to those protection measures.

3. Your rights

You have the following rights.

4. Contact details of representatives and data protection officers

The contact details of representatives in the UK as well as our Data Protection Officer are as follows.


Effective date: [2024/1/25]

Last updated: [2024/1/23]

This Exhibit (a) applies to the processing of your personal data by Koei Tecmo if you are located or residing in the U.S..

This Exhibit includes information about your data protection rights, including a right to object to some of the processing which we carry out. More information about your rights, and how to exercise them, is set out below.

1. You have the legal rights to request from us the following:

2. If you are a natural person who is a California resident refers to the California Consumer Privacy Act (the “CCPA”), even if you are temporarily outside of California State, you also have the following rights:

3. If you wish to exercise your right, please contact us via email described in Section11. We may request for authentication of your identity that is reasonable considering the nature of the personal information requested. If you would like to designate an authorized agent to make a request under the CCPA on your behalf, you must provide your valid power of attorney to us. We may require further authentication of you or the agent, if deemed necessary.