Koei Tecmo Games Co., Ltd.(以下簡稱「本公司」)明瞭用戶個人資料的重要性。承諾將以明確、公正、安全的方法,處理用戶的個人資料。本公司透過網站或應用程式的遊戲操作等管道,提供用戶使用「蕾斯萊莉婭娜的鍊金工房 ~忘卻的鍊金術與極夜的解放者~」遊戲之服務(以下簡稱「本服務」)時,本公司可能蒐集、處理及利用用戶的相關特定個人資料,並在蒐集之目的之必要範圍內與第三人共享之。本公司將遵循提供本服務所適用之各國或各地區法律(以下簡稱「法律等規範」)。
請注意,第2項、第3項 和第10項中的「個人資料」包括日本個人資訊保護法規定的「個人資訊」。
1. 適用
2. 蒐集個人資料
2.1 用戶使用本服務時,本公司將蒐集、處理、利用以下與用戶有關的個人資料類別(以下簡稱「個人資料」),包括過去12個月內蒐集的個人資料:
- 2.1.1 識別資訊:用戶帳號、用戶名稱、居住國家;
- 2.1.2 喜好資訊:語言及其他喜好資訊;
- 2.1.3 線上活動紀錄:本服務內的用戶活動紀錄,包括日期與時間、活動的種類、網際網路協定位址(IP位址)、裝置識別碼、作業系統(OS)類別及版本、購買紀錄;
- 2.1.4 驗證資訊:用戶的識別資訊(姓名、電子郵件地址等)、用戶正在使用/感興趣的服務、用戶的環境(平臺、裝置機型、作業系統類別及版本)、用戶的留言及問題;
- 2.1.5 設備分析與診斷數據:設備的效能數據、當機數據等;
- 2.1.6 出於本方針第3項中規定的目的所需的任何其他個人資料。
- 2.2 用戶如未提供完整或正確之個人資料,本公司可能無法提供全部或部分之本服務。此外,本公司可能無法以適當且正確的資訊,回應用戶洽詢。
- 2.3 當用戶使用本服務可能提供的第三方服務或與之互動時,例如第三方社交媒體小工具、共享按鈕和/或登入機制,此類功能將不適用本方針,而應適用第三方各自制定的個人資料保護方針。
3. 蒐集之目的
3.1 本公司之蒐集目的在於:
- 3.1.1 為提供與本服務相關之資訊或為本服務之廣告行銷、發表遞送或推廣促銷;
- 3.1.2 為提供用戶不受干擾且順暢之本服務(包括但不限於,處理與購買本服務之產品、本服務相關之請求、軟體升級及本服務之改善);
- 3.1.3 為避免任何未經授權或以詐騙方式使用本服務之行為;
- 3.1.4 為彙整本服務相關的統計資料;
- 3.1.5 為進行研究與分析以改進本服務;
- 3.1.6 為使本公司得有效地處理用戶之問題;
- 3.1.7 為提供本服務未來新發展相關之資訊;
- 3.1.8 為於用戶對本公司提出詢問或指示時,進行身分確認;
- 3.1.9 為通知用戶與本服務相關之其他重要資訊,或於必要時聯絡用戶;
- 3.1.10 為提供相關資訊予平台提供者,為其處理就用戶透過本服務購買產品及本服務相關退費、取消或付款之目的;
- 3.1.11 為完成於用戶終止或停止本服務之帳戶時或其後所需提供之本服務;
- 3.1.12 為防止、偵測及調查犯罪,分析並管理商業風險,並展開與爭議、收費或詐欺相關之調查;
- 3.1.13 為處理任何請求、行動或程序(包括但不限於草擬並審閱文件、交易文件、取得法律建議及促進紛爭解決),及/或保護及執行本公司之契約及法律權利及義務;
- 3.1.14 為符合或遵守任何應適用之規定、法律、法規、企業守則或準則,該等規定係由法務或主管機關所頒訂,且對本公司具有拘束力(包括但不限於回覆主管機關問題、向主管機關揭露,及進行審計查核、盡職調查及調查);
- 3.1.15 及/或為從事任何為提供本服務所需之其他活動。
3.2 如獲用戶同意,用戶的活動紀錄等個人資料將被使用在分析用戶使用本服務、於前述應用程式及網際網路其他網站上顯示目標式廣告及第4項記載之共享對象及使用方式。用戶可以透過選單中的「允許個人化廣告」設定並關閉「允許」來選擇撤回同意。
3.3 本公司直接收集用戶個人資料(包括自動取得個人資料的情況)。 同時,本公司可能會從第三方間接取得用戶的個人資料,包括網站流量分析服務供應商,例如Google LLC(提供Cookie、IP 位址、提供者資訊、終端資訊、網頁瀏覽器資訊、使用者活動、屬性)。本公司可能會透過包含自動方式在內的方式推斷用戶的個人資料。
- 3.4 本公司依照適用的法律等規範(例如取得資料主體的同意、履行合約義務以及遵守法律法規)處理用戶的個人資料。
4. 個人資料共享
4.1 本公司為了履行第3項蒐集目的,可能會向第三方服務提供者揭露或提供用戶的個人資料,以協助本公司營運服務或回覆用戶詢問,包括KOEI TECMO QUALITY ASSURANCE CO. , LTD.(用於客戶服務支援);
- 4.2 如獲用戶同意,將用戶的活動紀錄等個人資料用於行銷目的時,本公司將向本公司合作的第三人,公開個人資料。用戶可以透過選單中的「允許個人化廣告」設定並關閉「允許」來選擇撤回同意;
- 4.3 本公司為了遵守法定義務,可能與外部監察人、執法機關及行政機關等對象,共享個人資料;
- 4.4 除本方針或法令另有規定外,未經用戶事前同意,本公司不與任何第三人共享個人資料。
5. 資訊保護的保障
- 5.1 本公司已採取適當的安全措施來保護用戶的個人資料,以免發生竊取、竄改、毀損、滅失或洩漏等問題。
- 5.2 本公司如將個人資料交由本公司以外的第三人處理時,本公司將透過簽訂契約合約監督該第三人,確保該第三人僅按照本公司的指示處理用戶的個人資料,遵守保密義務,並根據本公司的指示採取適當的安全措施。
6. 個人資料的保管期間
6.1 原則上,本公司只在用戶的帳號處於活躍狀態時保存用戶個人資料,或者只在為用戶提供本服務所必需時保存用戶個人資料。但依照用戶的請求或者適用的法律等規範另有規定外,本公司將刪除用戶個人資料。本公司於下列相關情形的必要期間,保存用戶的個人資料:
- 6.1.1 處理用戶或用戶代理人提出的委託、問題、投訴、要求及其他聯絡事項;
- 6.1.2 證明用戶已享有公平待遇;
- 6.1.3 保管符合法律等規範的紀錄。
- 6.2 用戶個人資料如無保存必要,由本公司刪除該個人資料或使該資料無法辨識。
7. 轉傳資訊至第三國
8. 用戶對個人資料享有的法定權利
8.1 本公司尊重用戶所在國家和地區適用的法律等規範對個人資料享有的法定權利。例如,在法律等規範授予的範圍內,用戶可能有權查詢或請求閱覽用戶個人資料(包括要求以結構化、常用和機器可讀的格式獲取個人資料);要求補充、修正及刪除本公司保存的用戶個人資料;停止蒐集、處理或利用用戶個人資料;不受自動決策和分析的影響; 撤回用戶同意(如果用戶就某些類型的處理活動給予同意,則可能會授予用戶撤回同意的權利;但是,用戶撤回同意並不影響撤回先前根據用戶同意進行的處理的合法性)等等。日本個人資訊保護法针对擁有的個人資料授予相關請求權(指日本個人資訊保護法第 16 條第 4 款規定的擁有的個人資料):有權要求通知利用目的; 揭露個人資料; 補充、修正及刪除個人資料; 暫停使用、刪除或暫停第三方提供; 揭露第三方提供記錄(指日本個人資訊保護法第37條第2款規定的第三方提供)。
8.2 如果用戶想行使權利,請與本公司聯絡。考慮到所要求的個人資料的性質,本公司可能會要求對用戶的身分進行合理的身份驗證。如果用戶想要指定授權代理人代表用戶提出要求,用戶必須向本公司提供有效授權書。如果本公司認為有必要,可能會要求用戶或用戶代理人進行進一步的身份驗證。
8.3 在許多情況下,本公司需要使用用戶的個人資料,以便為用戶提供用戶選擇的本服務。如果用戶不向本公司提供所需的個人資料,或者撤回對出於這些目的使用和/或披露個人資料的同意,本公司可能無法繼續為用戶提供本服務或用戶需要的服務。
9. 兒童保護方針
10. 投訴申訴
11. 聯絡窗口
- 更進一步的資訊及洽詢,請洽以下聯絡窗口:
- 郵遞區號223-8503
- 神奈川縣橫濱市港北區箕輪町1丁目18番12號
- 株式會社光榮特庫摩控股(KOEI TECMO HOLDINGS CO., LTD.)
- 個人資料保護組
- 電子郵件地址:privacy@koeitecmo.co.jp
附件:EEA (European Economic Area) and UK
Effective date: [2024/1/25]
Last updated: [2024/1/23]
This Exhibit (a) applies to the processing of your personal data by Koei Tecmo if you are located or residing in the EEA (European Economic Area) or the UK and refers to the GDPR and the UK GDPR (collectively, the “GDPR”).
This Exhibit includes information about your data protection rights, including a right to object to some of the processing which we carry out. More information about your rights, and how to exercise them, is set out in “3. Your rights” below.
1. Legal basis for processing
We process your personal data pursuant to the following legal basis for the purposes stated in 3.1 and 3.2 of this Privacy Policy.
| When processing is necessary for the performance of a contract (GDPR Article 6, Paragraph 1, Item (b))
- - to provide you the Services of your choice;
- - to check the authenticity of an account owner;
- - to verify and confirm payment; or
- - to perform our contractual obligations towards you with respect to our Services.
| When processing is necessary for pursuit of legitimate interests (GDPR Article 6, Paragraph 1, Item (f))*
- - to deliver non-personalized advertising content relevant to the Services;
- - to analyze and manage our Services for user services, security, fraud-detection,
- - to improve our Services and respond to your desires and preferences;
- - to develop new services or products and improve user experience;
- to communicate with users (including push notifications to keep users up to date with the latest information relating to our Services);
- - to perform necessary tasks for us in relation to the Services;
- - to exercise or defend legal claims; or
- to fulfill our obligations under applicable laws and regulations of countries other than countries in the EEA and the UK and respond to requests of government authorities.
*For details of the balancing test for legitimate interests (GDPR Article 6, Paragraph 1, Item (f)), please contact us using the contact details stated in “4. Contact details of representatives and data protection officers” below.
| When processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation (GDPR Art. 6(1)(c))
- - to fulfil our obligations under applicable laws and regulations of the EEA and the UK.
| When we obtain consent to the processing from customers in advance (GDPR Article 6, Paragraph 1, Item (a))
- For using your personal data including activity log in order to analyze your use of the Services and deliver targeted advertising content to you on this application and on other websites across the Internet; or
- - For the processing of not strictly necessary cookies.
2. Overseas transfer of personal data
If we transfer personal data to areas other than the EEA (European Economic Area) or the UK, we (i) will be based on an adequacy decision (GDPR Article 45) in the countries where the adequacy decision is adopted or (ii) will take appropriate protection measures by executing the standard data protection clauses approved by the European Commission (GDPR Article 46, Paragraph 2, Item (c) and Paragraph 5) or the standard data protection clauses approved by ICO (UK GDPR Article 46, Paragraph 2, Item (d)) with the party receiving personal data in the countries where an adequacy decision is not adopted.
Please click
with respect to the details of the adequacy decision to Japan.
Please contact us using the contact information stated in 11 of the Privacy Policy if you wish to receive a copy of the documents relating to those protection measures.
3. Your rights
You have the following rights.
- Obtaining information regarding data processing: You have the right to obtain from us all necessary information regarding our processing of data concerning you (GDPR Article 13 and Article 14).
- Access to personal data: You have the right to obtain confirmation from us as to whether personal data concerning you is being processed, and, where that is the case, to access the personal data and certain relevant information (GDPR Article 15).
- Rectification and erasure of personal data: You have the right to have us rectify inaccurate personal data concerning you without undue delay and have incomplete personal data completed by us (GDPR Article 16). You also have the right to have us erase personal data concerning you without undue delay when certain conditions are met (GDPR Article 17).
- Restricting processing of personal data: You have the right to restrict our processing of personal data concerning you when certain conditions are met (GDPR Article 18).
- Objection to processing of personal data: You have the right to object to our processing of personal data concerning you when certain conditions are met (GDPR Article 21, Paragraph 1).
- Objection to direct marketing: You have the right to object at any time to our processing of personal data for direct marketing (GDPR Article 21, Paragraph 2).
- Data portability: You have the right to receive personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to transmit that data to another controller without hindrance from us, when certain conditions are met (GDPR Article 20).
- Right to withdraw your consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by the means separately specified at the time we obtain your consent. However, your withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing conducted based on your consent before the withdrawal.
- Freedom from automated decision-making: When certain conditions are met, you have the right not to be subject to automated (meaning without human involvement) decision-making that produces legal effects or significant effects on you (GDPR Article 22).
- Regarding our processing of your personal data, you may lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection supervisory authority of the member state where your habitual residence, your place of work, or the place of the alleged infringement, is located (GDPR Article 77).
4. Contact details of representatives and data protection officers
The contact details of representatives in the UK as well as our Data Protection Officer are as follows.
- Representative in the UK
Full name of company: Koei Tecmo Europe Ltd.
Name or title of data privacy manager: General Manager
Email address: privacy@koeitecmo.co.uk
Postal address: Unit 403a, The Spirella Building, Bridge Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 4ET
Telephone number: +44(0) 1462 476130
- Data protection officer
Full name of company: Koei Tecmo Games Co., Ltd.
Name or title of data privacy manager: Koinuma Hisashi
Email address: privacy@koeitecmo.co.jp
Postal address: 1-18-12 Minowa-cho, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama, 223-8503, Japan
Effective date: [2024/1/25]
Last updated: [2024/1/23]
This Exhibit (a) applies to the processing of your personal data by Koei Tecmo if you are located or residing in the U.S..
This Exhibit includes information about your data protection rights, including a right to object to some of the processing which we carry out. More information about your rights, and how to exercise them, is set out below.
1. You have the legal rights to request from us the following:
- information on what personal data we have about you and access to your personal data and other supplementary information.
- - having your personal data rectified.
- - having your personal data erased.
- - having our processing of your personal data frozen.
- - obtaining your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
- - not being subject to automated decision making and profiling.
- to opt-out personal data including activity log through “Allow Personalized Ads” settings in Menu by turning off the "allow".
- to request certain information regarding its disclosure of personal data to third parties for direct marketing purposes pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code via email described in Section11 with “California Shine the Light Request” in the subject line.
2. If you are a natural person who is a California resident refers to the California Consumer Privacy Act (the “CCPA”), even if you are temporarily outside of California State, you also have the following rights:
- to know what categories and specific pieces of personal data are collected about you. As such, you may submit a verifiable consumer request via email described in Section11 with “CCPA Information Collected” in the subject line.
- to know what personal data is used, sold, shared, or disclosed with third parties and to whom. You may submit a verifiable consumer request via email described in Section11 with “CCPA Information Shared” in the subject line.
- to opt-out of the sale or share sharing of your personal data by us to third parties at any time. You can submit a request to opt-out by submitting a verifiable consumer request via email described in Section11 with “Do Not Sell or Share” in the subject line.
- subject to statutory exclusions, to request that we delete the personal data and correct inaccurate personal data that we have collected about you. You may submit a verifiable consumer request via email described in Section11 with “CCPA Information Deletion” in the subject line.
- to limit the use and disclosure of sensitive personal data that we have collected about you. You may submit a verifiable consumer request via email described in Section11 with “CCPA Information Limitation” in the subject line.
3. If you wish to exercise your right, please contact us via email described in Section11. We may request for authentication of your identity that is reasonable considering the nature of the personal information requested. If you would like to designate an authorized agent to make a request under the CCPA on your behalf, you must provide your valid power of attorney to us. We may require further authentication of you or the agent, if deemed necessary.